The situation in Moldova stays the same without any changes.

Open letter to the international public opinion and in particular to the Harm Reduction program: the situation in Moldova stays the same without any changes.



 Open letter to the international public opinion and in particular to the Harm Reduction program: the situation in Moldova stays the same without any changes.

 Dear "harm reduction team" and all adjoined people and organizations, who signed our appeal about the situation with methadone! Your words stayed nothing but words, methadone is still not in the country and God knows when it will come. They continue to feed us with cheep promises that "methadone is already on its way", but it’s on its way already for 2 weeks! The harm reduction teem of Moldova promised that methadone would reach Moldova last week. They lied to us, they misinformed us. If one gives his/her promise to do something – one has to be responsible for his/her words, or else it’s nothing but idle talk. We are the patients of the methadone program and we pay with our own health and freedom for someone’s errors, while the international community and the ones who signed the appeal altogether cleared their conscience by enumerating their regalia at the end of the letter. How did YOU react to the situation? Like a goalkeeper by warding off the ball, or like a spectator, by whistling and shouting "f*ck the referee!"? What did you actually do to change the situation? I surely understand that you are not paid for it, and it is definitely very easy to sit in your armchair sending indignant messages and giving advices. It is however no use! Why do we (I, an outreach volunteer of the harm reduction program and Antonow, the leader of the NGO) have to check out for the situation and look for the way out with the narcologists together? Where are numerous well paid international specialists, why in fact does nobody but our narcoclinic help us? Do YOU have a moral right to proclaim that you’re protecting our interests in this case? And in what way you do it – with words and letters? Well thank you very much, that is definitely a help. People are still sick, families break in pieces, the rest of health goes for nothing, some people got into criminal cases – and no wonder, in fact we are forced to come back to our previous lifestyle. So the Harm Reduction doesn’t do anything but nothing. Nothing but papers. And you, the signed ones, too. It’s not the cassock which makes the monk, you know, and only deeds make the man. And in fact there are no deeds.

 Thank you for your attention, Yasinetsky J.L., the outreach volunteer of the Harm Reduction program

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